Some 100 New Hotels to Open Their Doors in Bansko

Some 100 New Hotels to Open Their Doors in Bansko

Standart daily, Vladimir Simeonov

%LIMG1Some 100 New Hotels to Open Their Doors in Bansko Some 100 new hotels will open their doors this winter in the Bulgarian winter ski resort of Bansko. Around 150 million euro have been invested in their construction. Thus the beds in the resort will increase to 15,000. Next year the capacity of the resort will double as another 200 hotels will be constructed. "Most of the hotels will be four-star," said Alexander Kravarov, Mayor of the Municipality. From 800,000 to one million foreign and Bulgarian tourists are expected to visit Bansko this season. Last year, some 700,000 skiers have spent their vacations in the resort. The interest from English, French, German, Russian and Macedonian tourists is huge.
  • bill moffett From uk
    Sent on 24 October 2006
    If the visitors are increasing by 1/5 and the hotel capacity is increasing by 1/2, surely this is bad news for rental income for apartments and hotels, due to a huge surplus of accommodation?