The Ski season in Chepelare Starts on the 7th of January

The Ski season in Chepelare Starts on the 7th of January

The Ski Season in Chepelare Starts on the 7th of January Chepelare starts the new ski season with a new high speed quad and 20 km of different types of ski slopes. There is a special powder snowboard track. Just 9 minutes are necessary to the new high speed quad to cross the distance of 2700 metres. The main slope is provided with snow cannons. The lift pass costs 33 BGN per day and 192 BGN per 6 days. The whole season lift pass costs 530 BGN. The prise for the children is 22 BGN per day. The Olympian biathlon champion Ekaterina Dafovska is the official personality of the resort. The golden medal winner from Nagano 98 is born and lives in Chepelare and she will popularize the town. 10 million Euro were invested in the Sports Centre Chepelare till that moment but the total sum of the investments will be more than 50 million Euro. Summer sports facilities and modern holiday village are planned to be build too. The renovated Sports centre will be opened with a 5-hour show program and 500 litres of heated wine on the 7th of January on the central square of Chepelare. Anelia and Miro, and the comedians Karsi Ryadkov and Victor Kalev will entertain the audience. %LIMG1%RIMG2